Making a basic round braid
~ Cut out a circle of cardboard, approximately 8 inches in diameter. Make 12 or more evenly spaced slits around the outside of the circle. Cut a smaller circle inside. This will be your loom.
~ (Fig 1)Choose 3 colours of embroidery floss. Cut two lengths of each colour and tie them together at one end. With the knotted end in the centre of your loom, position the strings so that string 1 and string 2 of each colour are across from each other.
~ (Fig 2) Move string 1 of a colour up and to the right of string 2.
~ (Fig 3) Move string 2 across to where string 1 used to be. Rotate your loom one string counterclockwise.
~ Repeat this process with each set of strings, continuing to move your loom in a counterclockwise direction. It is important to keep tension in your strings so that the resulting cord is even.
This pattern can be used with any number of strings. Experiment with different weights of string to experience the variety even this simple pattern can produce.